Ok I made the modifications to the registry:
{Default} = Visual Studio .NET 2003 Combined Help Collection
Filename = ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003
VS_Docs = 7.1 (used to say "Not supported")
Also in my registry I have another similar key (which I did not have to
modify) :
{Default} = MSDN Quarterly Library - April 2004
Filename = ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.2004APR.1033
VS_Docs = 7.1
I also disabled Java in IE > Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Java
But I still have problems with the VS.NET Help system ...
I have WXP Pro , VS.NET 2003 , MSDN April 2004. At one time, F1
context-sensitive help was was working fine. One day, I began experiencing
the following:
Placing the cursor on a keyword, I press F1.
I have VS.NET configured for external help, so a separate window is
displayed (Microsoft Document Explorer 7.0). The window is entitled "Visual
Studio .NET 2003 Combined Collection".
I have "Filtered" lists for "Help" > "Contents" and "Help" > "Index", but
none for "Search" ...
For "Contents" mode, there are no items displayed for any category : ".NET
Compact Framework", etc.
For "Search" mode, no matter the keywords searched, or the filter chosen, no
results are displayed.
"View" > "Web Browser" > "Show Browser" gives me this page
The Visual Studio .NET Combined Help Collection
The documentation available from the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET help
system is organized into Help collections. The "Visual Studio .NET 2003
Combined Help Collection" is currently your default collection. This
collection includes all of the original product documentation, plus any
additional help designed to be integrated with Visual Studio .NET, such as
help collections for Visual Studio updates and add-ons.
If no other Help topics than this one appear in your Help system, either you
have not yet installed any documentation, or you have used the Combined Help
Collection Manager to exclude the installed help collection.
To install the documentation for your version of Visual Studio .NET, open
Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel and run the setup for the program. For
further information, see Installing Help for Visual Studio.
To include a help collection that is already installed, see Visual Studio
.NET Combined Help Collection Manager.
However, if I click the hyperlink "Visual Studio .NET Combined Help
Collection Manager",
indeed a page is displayed titled "Visual Studio .NET Combined Help
Collection Manager" ....
but the list entitled "Collections available for inclusion in VSCC" has no
entries listed ....
and the button entitled "Update VSCC" is disabled.
Post by Roger Haight [MSFT]See the thread on this newsgroup begun by Jørgen Granborg on July 14,
subject: Missing Documentation in Visual Studio .NET 2003. I *think* the
solution offered there by Russell Smith and dated 8/12 will help you, too.
Following is what he wrote, but you should look at the whole thread for some
context. And keep in mind that it's always important to be careful when you
This is from Microsoft Technical Support. It works, although the GUID was
1. Close Visual Studio .NET. Go to START, RUN and type REGEDIT. Click OK.
2. Navigate to
Post by Roger Haight [MSFT]-A804-47bd-BDAE-31653BD0CDD9}
3. Select GUID on the left hand side. Then in the right side of the registry
editor, select the value named "VS_Docs". If the value says "Not supported"
you can change it to read "7.1" (without the quotes).
4. Close the registry editor and restart Visual Studio.
Roger Haight
Developer Division User Assistance
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Post by John A Grandywxp sp1 , vs.net 2003
somehow, my F1 context-sensitive help now only brings up a shell help
Post by John A Grandy....
the title is still
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Combined Collection
but there "Filtered by" box is empty, and no results are displayed
Post by John A Grandysearches ....
my "Programs" applet shows that i have "MSDN Collection April 2004 DVD"