Here is output from the install log:
=== Logging started: 4/9/2009 22:22:55 ===
Action 22:22:55: INSTALL.
Action start 22:22:55: INSTALL.
Action 22:22:55: CommonFilesFolder.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
Action start 22:22:55: CommonFilesFolder.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
Action ended 22:22:55:
CommonFilesFolder.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8. Return value 1.
Action 22:22:55: ProgramFilesFolder.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
Action start 22:22:55:
Action ended 22:22:55:
ProgramFilesFolder.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8. Return value 1.
Action 22:22:55: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications
Action start 22:22:55: AppSearch.
AppSearch: Property: DEVENV_COMP, Signature: SearchForDevenv
AppSearch: Property: DEVENV, Signature: SearchForIDE_Raw
AppSearch: Property: VS7.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8_RO, Signature:
AppSearch: Property: DEXPLORE_FOUND.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8,
Signature: RL_Dexplore.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8
Action ended 22:22:55: AppSearch. Return value 1.
Action 22:22:55: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications
Action start 22:22:55: FindRelatedProducts.
Action ended 22:22:55: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1.
Action 22:22:55: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions
Action start 22:22:55: LaunchConditions.
Info 2898. For VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0 textstyle, the system created a 'MS
Sans Serif' font, in 0 character set, of 13 pixels height.
DEBUG: Error 2835: The control ErrorIcon was not found on dialog ErrorDialog
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.
This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2835. The
arguments are: ErrorIcon, ErrorDialog,
Visual Studio .NET must be installed to run this installation package.
MSI (c) (C8:28) [22:22:56:448]: Product: Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET Help
Integration Kit -- Visual Studio .NET must be installed to run this
installation package.
Action ended 22:22:56: LaunchConditions. Return value 3.
Action 22:22:56: FatalErrorForm.
Action start 22:22:56: FatalErrorForm.
DEBUG: Error 2826: Control Line1 on dialog FatalErrorForm extends beyond
the boundaries of the dialog to the right by 3 pixels
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.
This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2826. The
arguments are: FatalErrorForm, Line1, to the right
DEBUG: Error 2826: Control Line2 on dialog FatalErrorForm extends beyond
the boundaries of the dialog to the right by 3 pixels
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.
This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2826. The
arguments are: FatalErrorForm, Line2, to the right
DEBUG: Error 2826: Control BannerBmp on dialog FatalErrorForm extends
beyond the boundaries of the dialog to the right by 3 pixels
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.
This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2826. The
arguments are: FatalErrorForm, BannerBmp, to the right
Info 2898. For VsdDefaultUIFont.524F4245_5254_5341_4C45_534153783400
textstyle, the system created a 'MS Sans Serif' font, in 0 character set, of
13 pixels height.
Info 2898. For VSI_MS_Sans_Serif16.0_1_0 textstyle, the system created a 'MS
Sans Serif' font, in 0 character set, of 20 pixels height.
Action 22:22:56: FatalErrorForm. Dialog created
Action ended 22:22:57: FatalErrorForm. Return value 1.
Action ended 22:22:57: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Property(C): UpgradeCode = {222B76E1-D036-40F7-82A9-6E9F59CA01B2}
Property(C): DesktopFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Desktop\
Property(C): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\
Property(C): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Start
Property(C): SourceDir = D:\VSHIK\
Property(C): RedirectedDllSupport = 2
Property(C): VersionNT = 501
Property(C): ProductName = Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET Help Integration Kit
Property(C): ProductCode = {9D1EE606-DB46-493F-AAA6-04BCB5A0DD84}
Property(C): ProductVersion = 2.1.0
Property(C): Manufacturer = Microsoft Corporation
Property(C): ARPCONTACT = Microsoft Corporation
Property(C): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(C): SecureCustomProperties = NEWERPRODUCTFOUND
Property(C): ProgramFilesFolder.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 =
C:\Program Files\
Property(C): VS7.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8_RO = C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\
Property(C): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\Common Files\
Property(C): DEXPLORE_FOUND.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 =
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Help\
Property(C): CommonFilesFolder.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 =
C:\Program Files\Common Files\
Property(C): VSDIISMSG = This setup requires Internet Information Server 4.0
or higher and Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. This setup cannot
be installed on Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me. Please install
Internet Information Server and run this setup again.
Property(C): VSDUIANDADVERTISED = This advertised application will not be
installed because it might be unsafe. Contact your administrator to change
the installation user interface option of the package to basic.
Property(C): VSDNETMSG = This setup requires the .NET Framework. Please
install the .NET Framework and run this setup again.
Property(C): VSDINVALIDURLMSG = The specified path '[2]' is unavailable. The
Internet Information Server might not be running or the path exists and is
redirected to another machine. Please check the status of this virtual
directory in the Internet Services Manager.
Property(C): VSDVERSIONMSG = Unable to install because a newer version of
this product is already installed.
Property(C): MaintenanceForm_Action = Repair
Property(C): AdminMaintenanceForm_Action = Repair
Property(C): EulaForm_Property = No
Property(C): FolderForm_AllUsers = ALL
Property(C): ErrorDialog = ErrorDialog
Property(C): SFF_UpFldrBtn = UpFldrBtn
Property(C): SFF_NewFldrBtn = NewFldrBtn
Property(C): DefaultUIFont =
Property(C): AdminEulaForm_Property = No
Property(C): WelcomeForm_NextArgs = EulaForm
Property(C): EulaForm_PrevArgs = WelcomeForm
Property(C): EulaForm_NextArgs = FolderForm
Property(C): FolderForm_PrevArgs = EulaForm
Property(C): FolderForm_NextArgs = ConfirmInstallForm
Property(C): ConfirmInstallForm_PrevArgs = FolderForm
Property(C): AdminWelcomeForm_NextArgs = AdminEulaForm
Property(C): AdminEulaForm_PrevArgs = AdminWelcomeForm
Property(C): AdminEulaForm_NextArgs = AdminFolderForm
Property(C): AdminFolderForm_PrevArgs = AdminEulaForm
Property(C): AdminFolderForm_NextArgs = AdminConfirmInstallForm
Property(C): AdminConfirmInstallForm_PrevArgs = AdminFolderForm
Property(C): MsiLogFileLocation = D:\VSHIK\Install.log
Property(C): PackageCode = {775CC9F9-DE74-4C6B-A01B-57A1A8583FBC}
Property(C): ProductState = -1
Property(C): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(C): CLIENTUILEVEL = 0
Property(C): CLIENTPROCESSID = 5576
Property(C): VersionDatabase = 200
Property(C): VersionMsi = 4.05
Property(C): WindowsBuild = 2600
Property(C): ServicePackLevel = 2
Property(C): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0
Property(C): MsiNTProductType = 1
Property(C): WindowsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\
Property(C): WindowsVolume = C:\
Property(C): SystemFolder = C:\WINDOWS\system32\
Property(C): System16Folder = C:\WINDOWS\system\
Property(C): RemoteAdminTS = 1
Property(C): TempFolder = C:\DOCUME~1\jgriggs\LOCALS~1\Temp\
Property(C): AppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Application
Property(C): FavoritesFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Favorites\
Property(C): NetHoodFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\NetHood\
Property(C): PersonalFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\My Documents\
Property(C): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\PrintHood\
Property(C): RecentFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Recent\
Property(C): SendToFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\SendTo\
Property(C): TemplateFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Templates\
Property(C): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\
Property(C): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Local
Settings\Application Data\
Property(C): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\My
Documents\My Pictures\
Property(C): AdminToolsFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Start
Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\
Property(C): StartupFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Start
Property(C): StartMenuFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\jgriggs\Start Menu\
Property(C): FontsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\
Property(C): GPTSupport = 1
Property(C): OLEAdvtSupport = 1
Property(C): ShellAdvtSupport = 1
Property(C): Intel = 6
Property(C): PhysicalMemory = 2046
Property(C): VirtualMemory = 2619
Property(C): AdminUser = 1
Property(C): LogonUser = jgriggs
Property(C): UserSID = S-1-5-21-2081497765-1548102756-932995037-18031
Property(C): UserLanguageID = 1033
Property(C): ComputerName = JGRIGGS-D630
Property(C): SystemLanguageID = 1033
Property(C): ScreenX = 1440
Property(C): ScreenY = 900
Property(C): CaptionHeight = 26
Property(C): BorderTop = 1
Property(C): BorderSide = 1
Property(C): TextHeight = 16
Property(C): TextInternalLeading = 3
Property(C): ColorBits = 32
Property(C): TTCSupport = 1
Property(C): Time = 22:22:57
Property(C): Date = 4/9/2009
Property(C): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 2.0.50727.3053
Property(C): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 5.1.2600.3019
Property(C): Privileged = 1
Property(C): USERNAME = Aspect
Property(C): COMPANYNAME = Software
Property(C): DATABASE = C:\DOCUME~1\jgriggs\LOCALS~1\Temp\f06552.msi
Property(C): OriginalDatabase = D:\VSHIK\vshik_setup.msi
Property(C): SOURCEDIR = D:\VSHIK\
Property(C): VersionHandler = 4.05
Property(C): UILevel = 5
=== Logging stopped: 4/9/2009 22:22:57 ===
MSI (c) (C8:28) [22:22:57:229]: Product: Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET Help
Integration Kit -- Installation failed.
MSI (c) (C8:28) [22:22:57:229]: Windows Installer installed the product.
Product Name: Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET Help Integration Kit. Product
Version: 2.1.0. Product Language: 1033. Installation success or error status:
--- End of Log ---
Post by JamesGood evening all,
I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 and Crystal Reports 2008. I have
downloaded the Help Integration Kit version 2.1 but am unable to install it.
Thefirst message I receive is: Visual Studio .NET must be installed to run
the installation package.
I, in fact, have Visual Studio 2003, 2005, and 2008 installed.
After accepting that message I receive another message: The installer was
interrupted before Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Help Integration Kit could be
installed. You need to restart the installer to try again. Click "Close" to
That's it, I cannot go any further. I am trying to integrate the Crystal
Reports 2008 Developer help into Visual Studio 2008 but it appears I am stuck.
Any suggestions?